Walking it off

I’m not going to go into details about last week, because basically, I couldn’t do all that much following my operation. What I could do was desk work, which means mostly Poetry on Loan stuff, and I did a lot of that. I could write poems too, and I did quite a bit of that; and I put a lot of things on eBay, and did some life admin that’s been hanging around (hooray! my radiator is fixed!), and did my end-of-month accounting.

And I walked. I wasn’t allowed to run, so I spent about two hours each day walking, during which I found a good new route for my daily run, and saw some splendid views of the surrounding countryside – in sunshine and rain and through mist.

But now I’m all better. I’ve had a couple of runs and nothing seems to have gone wrong; I’ve done a bit of gardening, and I’m driving again.

So, this week, normal service will be resumed. And I haven’t even got a scar.

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